
Crime and punishment

 As a brief resume of the first chapter of crime and punishment, we have a character who lives in poverty while ironically studies law. He suffers the moral crisis of family problems and the internal conflict of have killed two people with an axe, that people was a pawn-broker and her half-sister. The second chapter tells us how he was carried to a police station to be asked about other case he was dealing with, but he think is about the killing and his health got affected. A friend from old university times reach his city and visits him noticing his ill state, so he takes care of him by getting professional health and getting attention from a policeman who previously interviewed him. Going back to his room, he fights the dual idea of whether or not confess his crime, but the things become more stressful when reaching his room he finds his mother and sister there, waiting for him; they just arrived at the city to visit him without previous notice. he faints...

Audio Activities English

 Here, you can see some of the activities requested to do in previous English exercises through this year. Sorry for quality and voice, I really get nervous when recording myself even in audio or video... Audio_Ingles_01 Audio_Ingles_02

Family and Jobs

 Hi, Again. So, today's topic is family and jobs.  There's nothing special to say in this section. I live alone, have a part time job while I complete my studies and get professional practice in the field I study. Speaking of my family, they all have they own homes and families, currently they are ok, some study and work, some just work or study and some are dedicate to family. that's everything I can say of this affair.

Animals and pets

 Currently I have no pets, I am not allowed where I live. I really love cats, they are the most beautiful pet to me. I really love their soft fur and their general figure, their eyes are the most complex things of a living being, I like when they grow, specially when the cat is aware if his prey.  Their independence and the way they sense when you are not ok, so the come to you to demonstrate their affection and then they start to purr to you, that's cute.


 Hi, this is Andres again... In this post I want to share some of my hobbies, which more than hobbies, they represent part of my life and my personality. So, as I've mentioned before in the introduction post I really love the English language, that's a fact, but the truth is, I love every language over the surface of the earth (at least the most known), that's why I'm currently learning not only English but other languages that attract my attention, those languages are (in order of dominion) Greek, Russian, French, Latin. Those are the languages I am most interested in. I'd like to learn more languages, but at this moment I think it is enough to study those ones. Maybe in the future I spend more time on other languages. Another hobby I really enjoy is doing exercise; keeping in shape is pretty important to me as well as a life philosophy.  I do painting and drawing, I play the guitar, and currently learning singing (metal vocals), reading and hiking when possible.


Hi, My name is Andres, currently I'm enrolled in SENA's virtual program "Digital Animation" In this program I've learned a lot about this topic as well as polishing my English skills through this year. I really love the English language because it is tied to my main profession and the whole and valuable information on this topic is written in English, so, knowing the language has helped me in a bunch of different ways to adquire new skills not only in my carrer but in my personal life. so this is really amazing...