
 Hi, this is Andres again...

In this post I want to share some of my hobbies, which more than hobbies, they represent part of my life and my personality.

So, as I've mentioned before in the introduction post I really love the English language, that's a fact, but the truth is, I love every language over the surface of the earth (at least the most known), that's why I'm currently learning not only English but other languages that attract my attention, those languages are (in order of dominion) Greek, Russian, French, Latin.

Those are the languages I am most interested in. I'd like to learn more languages, but at this moment I think it is enough to study those ones. Maybe in the future I spend more time on other languages.

Another hobby I really enjoy is doing exercise; keeping in shape is pretty important to me as well as a life philosophy. 

I do painting and drawing, I play the guitar, and currently learning singing (metal vocals), reading and hiking when possible.


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